Role of Forensic Nurses in the mortuary and postmortem examination

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R K Gorea


Forensic nursing science is a developing at a fast pace in the developed countries of the world and the forensic nurses have gained valuable roles in the different departments. Mortuary services are often in a state of neglect in the developing countries especially the postmortem examination. Mainly this is due to lack of assistance to forensic physicians by educated and trained professionals. Forensic nurses can do a variety of roles to improve the functioning of the mortuaries. Role of forensic nurses in the postmortem examination and upkeep of the mortuaries is essential and it is emphasized that forensic nurses can play a very pivotal role in the functioning of the mortuaries.

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How to Cite
Gorea, R. (2020). Role of Forensic Nurses in the mortuary and postmortem examination. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ETHICS, TRAUMA & VICTIMOLOGY, 6(01), 6-9.
Research Article

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